Dead Fish – Another New Addition to the Vertical/Pelagic Series

About Dead Fish – Key Information

We have already introduced you to the new line of lures designed for vertical/pelagic fishing. The first one was GOBIO, which caused quite a stir among vertical fishing enthusiasts. The next addition to this series is Dead Fish. It’s a faithful imitation of a fish, 6.7 inches long, or 17 cm. This size is both universal and optimal, suitable for both small fish and larger specimens, which calculate the size of the prey they attack. Dead Fish, as the name suggests, accurately mimics a dead fish lying on its side and making its last twitches.

Rigging, Action, and Variants of the Lure

This lure is rigged in a lying position on its side. This creates a large resistance surface that generates a strong hydroacoustic wave, and the flatly positioned tail fin waves enticingly. Dead Fish is best rigged with a screw and treble hooks on two leaders of different lengths, as many bites occur from the head side of the lure.

Initially, we present you with 5 incredibly effective color variants, ranging from natural to fanciful, each with a red “target.”

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