The first of January is a celebration for every salmonid enthusiast. While there are regions where trout fishing is permitted only from February, many anglers choose New Year’s Day to kick off the new season. Last autumn brought elevated water levels in many areas and even floods in some, leaving many anglers unsure of what to expect as they stood along the banks of their favorite rivers.
We gladly read all the reports you shared with us, showcasing the beautiful specimens caught using our lures. In summary, the first days of 2025 turned out to be very fruitful, once again proving the effectiveness of Libra Lures. The most trusted models were the larva imitations—Larva, Largo, and Kukolka—as well as worm imitations like Fatty D’Worm, Dying Worm, and Fatty D’Worm Tournament. Your favorite colors included classics such as white, cheese, coffee with milk, and variations of pink and green.
The higher water levels, carrying cold, often snowmelt-fed water, required equipping lures with slightly heavier weights to present the baits effectively in the near-bottom zone.
Congratulations to everyone on your impressive catches, and we look forward to receiving more of your photos!